If you have a lot of Rocks, you can filter the module down to only see ones you are working on. When you create a Rock, you can select the project status from active, planned or archived. You can also edit Rocks to archive them once the Rock is completed, or discontinued. 

To see how to edit a Rock so you can update the status click here.

This guide walks you through filtering the Rocks module in two ways...

  1. By Rock status
  2. By Rock name

Tip: You can click the plus sign next to each Rock to expand and collapse the Rock panel, allowing you to see related Rock actions

Filtering by Rock status

  1. In the menu ribbon click Rocks

  2. Make sure you are on the Rocks tab (the active tab will be highlighted in green)

  3. Using the tickboxes select if you want to see Active, Planned or Archived Rocks. You can have any combination of the three, but you must select at least one

Filtering by rock name (search bar)

  1. In the menu ribbon click Rocks 

  2. Make sure you are on the Rocks tab (the active tab will be highlighted in green)

  3. Click into the Search bar on the right

    Search bar
  4. Type in the whole, or partial, title of the rock you are looking for

  5. The Rocks list will filter automatically based on what you put in the search bar