You can group your users into teams in GoalDriver. You may wish to do this so you can group all of your marketing department together, or maybe your sales team. Teams can then share dashboards. 

Please note that you must have admin privileges in your organisation to be able to edit or remove teams. Users must exist in GoalDriver before they can be added to a team.  

  1. Click your name in the top right and go to users & teams 

  2. Click on the teams tab (the active tab will be highlighted in green)

  3. Click the plus + sign on the right 

  4. This will give you a pop-up box. Enter your team's name and click save team

  5. This will take you to a new page where you need to configure your team
    - Add a description about your team if you need to
    - Select who the manager is, should you wish (this is not mandatory)
    - Select who is in the team by click on their name on the left. This will move them to the right column and add them as a member of the team 

  6. Press save

  7. Your team is now created