You can have one user login with multiple organisations if you need to. 

Setting up a new organisation

To set up a new organisation, you first need to get to the organisation list.

If you have more than one organisation against your account, you will see this organisation list as soon as you login. If you only have one then you will need to navigate to it:

  1. Click on your organisation name in the top left

  2. Click view all

To create a new organisation: 

  1. From the list of organisations, click the plus + in the top right

  2. In the pop-up, give your organisation a name. You can also chose to copy it from an existing organisation. To do this, tick the Copy from existing organisation box, then choose the organisation you want to duplicate from in the drop-down that will appear

  3. Click Add

  4. You've created a new organisation

NOTE: If the plus sign does not appear in your organisation list, please contact - your user licence will not be high enough to create new organisations and will need upgrading

Editing an organisation

You must have admin privileges to be able to change your organisation details.

  1. Click your name in the top right and go to My organisation

  2. This will take you to a new screen where you can change your organisation name and currency

  3. Press save

  4. You've now edited your organisation