This guide will walk you through how to create a new, blank meeting and configure it. This includes:

  • Setting up the meeting information (name, date/time, location, participants)
  • Emailing participants, so you can send out an invite/notes
  • Generating and viewing the agenda/notes
  • Viewing attendance 

To see how to add, edit and remove content (i.e. topics/subtopics) click here.

Creating a new blank meeting

  1. In the menu ribbon click Meetings

  2. Click on the plus + sign in the top right

  3. In the popup click Create a blank meeting

  4. You've now created a blank meeting record and must populate the meeting details to continue - see the next section

Setting up meeting information

  1. One you've made a blank meeting, you'll be taken to the meeting page where you need to set up your meeting details before you can add any items to the agenda

  2. Give your meeting a Meeting Title - this is required to be able to save the meeting

  3. Check the When field to set your date/time - it will default to today and the nearest hour

  4. Add any other details you need, such as a location and participants. Participants will not receive a notification to say they've been added to a meeting at this point

  5. Once you've populated your meeting information click Save Meeting. You can now add topics and subtopics to your meeting

  6. You can edit the meeting information at any time by clicking in the field you wish to change, amending it and clicking Update in the bottom right of the Meeting Information panel

Emailing Participants

You can email the agenda and an invite out before the meeting, and send notes after the meeting from within GoalDriver. These two emails come from the same place, but will automatically change depending on if your meeting is in the past or the future. 

  1. At the top of your meeting information panel, click the Email icon

  2. In the pop-up use the checkboxes to select who you would like to send the email to

  3. Add a message if you wish and press send

  4. If the meeting is in the future, your participants will receive an email invite with a link to respond if they will attend or not. The meeting host will receive an email notification if attendees respond via the buttons in the email. 

    Sending the email invite out will also create a notification to any fellow GoalDriver users that they've been added to a meeting - they will not receive a notification until this email is sent

  5. If you send the email after the meeting then anyone selected will receive meeting notes instead of an invite and an agenda

Generating and viewing the agenda/notes

There are a couple of ways to get a copy of your meeting out of GoalDriver - you can download a PDF or print direct from the meeting record.

Downloading a PDF

  1. At the top of your meeting information panel, click the download icon

  2. Choose whether or not you would like to include a notes area. This is helpful if you have created a meeting in GoalDriver which will be held somewhere you may not have access to the internet, so you want to take a copy of the meeting with you. Click download

  3. Your browser will now download a PDF of the meeting

Printing your meeting

  1. At the top of your meeting information panel, click the print icon

  2. Choose whether or not you would like to include a notes area. This is helpful if you have created a meeting in GoalDriver which will be held somewhere you may not have access to the internet, so you want to take a copy of the meeting with you. Click print

  3. Your system's dialogue will now appear so you can print your meeting

Viewing attendance 

If you have sent out an email before your meeting takes place, and participants have responded, you can see their responses through a pop-up in the meeting.

  1. At the top of your meeting information panel, click the attendance icon

  2. Those who have said they won't come will be marked with an X, those who will attend will have a tick, and those who have not responded yet will have a warning symbol. The warning symbol is the default response, so this is what you will see if you have not sent the email invite out yet too