Each organisation can have a one page plan plan. You are only able to have one plan per organisation, so if you need to remove it then you will need to delete the content in each section.

  1. In the menu ribbon click on Strategy and then One Page Plan

  2. You'll be taken straight to the View of your one page plan, even if you haven't started it yet

  3. To start editing or creating your plan, either click on the section you wish to change, or click the edit icon in the top right

  4. This will take you into the Edit view of your one page plan. The sections of the plan are in the sidebar on the left, and you can edit each part on the right. If you don't want to include a section in your one page plan, click Hide from view in the top right

    Note: If you need to re-enable a view you've hidden previously then, from the View screen, you'll need to click the Edit button in the top right. Find the section you want to unhide in the left-hand sidebar, untick the Hide from view box and press Save and continue

  5. If you start in the Company section at the top, you can work through the whole plan by completing each part, scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking Save and continue in the bottom right. This will automatically move you to the next part of the plan. Alternatively, you can skip between sections by clicking on the section you want to complete. Make sure you press Save and continue after making changes

    Sections with different formatting
    Some sections are set up slightly differently from the others. In sections like Rocks you can choose which Rocks to include or not by ticking the Show box on the right

  6. In some other sections, such as Marketing activities and Sales channels you can choose to either write a paragraph or a short list of up to five items. This is done by switching between the Description or Short list options

  7. When you have completed the last section, you can click View my plan  in the bottom right. Your last changes will then be saved and you will be taken to the preview of your plan. You can preview your plan at any time by clicking the preview button in the top right - remember to save any changes you've made before doing so