You can lock down areas of your GoalDriver organisation to protect sensitive information if you need to.

Users have three levels of permissions:

  1. Hidden - the module is hidden from them so it does not appear on the menu ribbon
  2. Read only - the user can see the module but not change anything
  3. Read/write - the user can see the module and make changes (edit, delete and create)

You can also assign other users to be admins in your organisation - you do this on the edit user page, as opposed to within permissions. An admin can add and remove users and teams and edit the organisation. You can lock down fellow admins via permissions as well if you need to. So, you could have an admin user who could not see a certain module, or who could have read only access to a certain module, but still add users. 

Setting user permissions

To see how to set up a new user click here. You'll be prompted to set a user's permissions on creation, so that is the guide to use if your user doesn't exist yet. These steps are to change the permission level of an existing user:

  1. Click your name in the top right and go to users & teams

  2. Make sure you are on the users tab (the active tab will be highlighted in green)

  3. Find the user you want to change the permissions for, and click the permissions button to the right of their name

  4. You'll be taken to a new page with the permissions table. Set the permissions per module as you need and click save

  5. Your user's permissions are now changed

Important note: Permissions for dashboards work slightly differently than elsewhere. They are either enabled or disabled. At present, if a user has dashboard access enabled then they can delete and change dashboards that are shared with other users, and this will delete and change it for all other users too.

Setting (or removing) another admin

Setting a user to be (or removing) an admin is not done in the permissions table, you must edit the user.

  1. Click your name in the top right and go to users & teams

  2. Make sure you are on the users tab (the active tab will be highlighted in green)

  3. Find the user you want to change from a member an admin (or from an admin to a member), and click the edit button to the right of their name

  4. Set their User Level to Admin or Member

  5. Press Save

  6. Your user has now been changed