Once you've finished putting your plan together, you can publish it. Publishing a plan will allow you to download a PDF copy and will also generate a webpage with your plan on it. You can share this link to anyone - they do not have to be a GoalDriver user to view it.

Publishing your plan

  1. In the menu ribbon click on Strategy and then One Page Plan

  2. You'll be taken straight to the View of your one page plan, so click on the Publish button in the top right

  3. Here you can download a PDF copy - to do this, click Download PDF

  4. To get a shareable webpage link, click Publish my plan

  5. A link will then appear which you can copy and paste to share with other people. No login to GoalDriver is required to view your published one page plan online 

Unpublish your plan

If you decide you no longer want your one page plan to be available online then you can unpublish your plan.

  1. In the menu ribbon click on Strategy and then One Page Plan

  2. You'll be taken straight to the View of your one page plan, so click on the Publish button in the top right

  3. Click the Unpublish button in the bottom left

  4. A confirmation box will appear, click OK

  5. Your plan is now no longer available via the link online. Anyone trying to use your previous link will see a page saying the plan isn't available right now