Editing a canvas

  1. In the menu ribbon click on Strategy and then Canvases

  2. You'll now see a list of all of your canvases. Click the edit button on the right of the canvas you wish to change

  3. Once in the edit view, you can change the name of your canvas by clicking the blue edit icon at the top (to the right of your canvas name)

  4. In the pop-up, change the name of your canvas and click Save changes

  5. You can edit any of the items in your canvas by clicking in them, typing over what's there and clicking save all changes. Remember you must always click the save all changes button as there is no autosave

  6. You can delete any of the items in your canvas by clicking on the delete icon
    Careful as there's no pop-up to confirm, it will just remove the item

Deleting a canvas

  1. In the menu ribbon click on Strategy and then Canvases

  2. You'll now see a list of all of your canvases. Find the canvas you want to remove and click the delete icon on the right

  3. A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm you want to delete the canvas, as deletions cannot be undone. Click OK

  4. Your canvas is now deleted