You can only have one business plan per organisation. Business plans are split into three:

  1. Chapters, which then separate down to;
  2. Sections, which then separate down to;
  3. Items

The module is also split into three parts:

  1. View - this is where you can preview your plan and edit it
  2. Cover page - this is where you can create a cover page for your plan
  3. Download & print - this is where you can download a copy of your plan. You need to create a cover page before you can download or print it

This guide will focus on View - creating, editing and removing chapters, sections and items in your plan.

Creating your plan: Adding chapters

  1. In the menu ribbon click Strategy and then Business Plan

  2. If you haven't created your business plan yet, you will need to add a chapter to get started. Click the Add Chapter button

  3. In the pop-up, give your chapter a name and click Add Chapter

  4. Your chapter will then appear in the left-hand side panel

  5. To add another chapter, click the Add chapter button again, give your chapter a name in the pop-up and click Add chapter

Editing & deleting chapters

  1. You can change the name of your chapter by editing it. To Edit a chapter, hover over the chapter name in the left-hand panel until the edit and delete buttons appear

  2. Click on the edit button

  3. Make the changes to your chapter name and click save changes

  4. To delete a chapter, hover over the chapter name until the edit and delete buttons appear and click the delete icon

  5. A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm you want to delete the chapter, as deletions cannot be undone. Deleting a chapter will remove all sections and items within that chapter. Click Confirm

  6. Your chapter is now deleted

Creating your plan: Adding sections & section content

  1. Once you've added a chapter, you can add a section to your chapter. To add a section, click on the chapter name in the left-hand side panel, and then Add Section

  2. In the pop-up, give your Section a name and then click Add Section. The view of your plan will then default to the chapter view (see screenshot below)

  3. You can add content to your section. To do so, click on the section name on the left-hand side

  4. This will bring up the Section view. Click on the text Click to edit this section. This will give you a small word editor where you can add, edit or remove content. Changes you make will autosave once you click outside of the text editor

  5. You can have multiple sections to a chapter. Once you have added your first section, you can quickly add more by clicking the Add more button on the left-hand side. Simply give your section a name and click Add Section

Editing sections

  1. To edit the name of the section, go back to the chapter view. To do this, click on the chapter name in the left-hand side panel

  2. Find the section you need to rename and click on the edit icon to the right of the section name

  3. In the pop-up, change your section name and click Save changes

  4. To edit the content of a section you can follow from step three in "Creating your plan: Adding sections & section content". You must click on the section name on the left-hand side, and then into the text box

Deleting a section

  1. To delete a section, you must go back to the chapter view. To do this, click on the chapter name on the left-hand side

  2. Find the section you want to delete and click the delete icon on the right-hand side

  3. A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm you want to delete the section, as deletions cannot be undone and you will loose all items in that section. Click Confirm

  4. Your section is now deleted

Creating your plan: Adding items & item content

  1. Once you've added a chapter and a section, then you can add items. There are two ways to add items: 
    1. From the chapter view click Add & Remove Items under the section you want to add content to

    2. Click on the section name in the left-hand side panel. This will give you the section view. Then click Add & Remove Items

  2. Whichever route you take to add or remove items, you will come to the following screen. (You can change you section name here too.) Click Add item

  3. In the pop-up, type in the title of your item only. You can add content later. Click Save changes

  4. To add more items, click the Add item button again and follow step three, above
  5. You can add content to your item. To do so, click on the item name in the left-hand side panel

  6. This will bring up the Item view. Click on the text Click to edit this section. This will give you a small word editor where you can add, edit or remove content. Changes you make will autosave once you click outside of the text editor

Deleting items

  1. There are two ways to remove items:
    1. From the chapter view click Add & Remove Items under the section you want to remove items from

    2. Click on the section name in the left-hand side panel. This will give you the section view. Then click Add & Remove Items

  2. Whichever route you take to add or remove items, you will come to the following screen. (You can change you section name here too.) Find the item you wish to remove and click delete on the right of it

  3. A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm you want to delete the item, as deletions cannot be undone. Click Confirm

  4. Your item is now deleted

Rearranging your plan

You can rearrange your chapters and their sections and items in your business plan at any time. You can only rearrange sections and items within the chapter they were made in - you can't move them across chapters. 


To rearrange your chapters, click and drag on the All Scroll icon in the left-hand panel and drop them into their new position 


You can move your sections in the same way as chapters (by using the All Scroll icon), or you can rearrange them within the chapter:

  1. Go back to the chapter view by clicking on the chapter name in the left-hand panel

  2. Use the arrows to the right of the section name to move each section up/down as you need, or you can click and drag on the All Scroll icon again


To rearrange your items, click and drag on the All Scroll icon in the left-hand panel and drop them into their new position 

Remember that you can only rearrange them within the chapter and section they were made in - you can't move them into another section or chapter.