When you log in to an organisation on GoalDriver, you go to the dashboards module. You can create and share multiple custom dashboards, so you can have dashboards across teams as well as personal ones only relevant to you. 

When you first log in to GoalDriver, you won't have any dashboards set up. You have to create a dashboard before you can create widgets and showing them on a dashboard. 

To create a new dashboard:

  1. Click the Plus + sign in the top right

  2. In the pop-up, give your dashboard a name and add a description if you want one (the description will show at the top of the dashboard)

  3. Press Save

  4. You've now created your dashboard. To view it, click on the three lines on the left-hand side and click on the dashboard's name

    Note: if you are an admin of the organisation, you will be able to see everyone else's dashboards in this drop-down too

  5. If you want the dashboard to always show as a tab, then you need to select it and then favourite it by clicking on the star on the right-hand side. You can have multiple dashboard tabs by favouriting the dashboards you want. 

    Similarly, to remove it as a tab, unfavourite it by clicking the star again