Creating a New Scenario
Scenarios allow you to forecast your client's financial future. Each client can have multiple scenarios.
- From the client list, click on the link under the Scenarios heading, to the right of your client name.
If your client already has a scenario, you'll be taken to a list of them. If no scenarios exist for your client yet, you will be taken straight in to create a new scenario.
If you are taken to a list of your client's scenarios, you can add a new one by click the New Scenario button in the top right. - Give your scenario a Name and state your client's current savings. Your scenario won't be saved until you add your first income/expense- see the next step for how to do this
- Once you've done this, add in the money you expect to be coming in and out
- Use the description field to give the transaction a name, e.g. salary
- Use the type drop-down to state if the money is coming in or out
- Use the Frequency drop-down to state if it's a one-off expense/income or ongoing. If the expense is ongoing then you can choose how many years it will be ongoing for by using the age drop-downs. You can also choose to increase the income with inflation, using the options on the right hand side
- Add any additional notes you may need to the Additional Notes field on the right
- Click Add
- Your item is added and your scenario is now saved
- Your view will now change:
- You can edit your scenario name and current savings at the top (these will autosave)
- Add more income/expenses in the middle
- See a breakdown of all the financials you have added in tables at the bottom of the page
- You can edit your scenario name and current savings at the top (these will autosave)
- Keep adding expenses and income until you are happy you have covered the key areas you need to
- When you've finished adding expenses and income, click on the Results tab at the top
Viewing Scenario Results
- Once you've finished editing your scenario, you can view the results of it by clicking the Results tab at the top
- This will show a forecast of your client's financial situation, starting at their current age
- You can use the sliders underneath the graph to change circumstances, such as expected returns, the end age of the scenario and the inflation rate. Note that if you set the end age to be earlier than your client's current age, the graph will go blank
- A breakdown table at the bottom of the results page will show a prediction of your client's financial affairs by age/year
- You can go back and change the scenario at any time by clicking on the Financial Details tab at the top of the page
- You can download a PDF copy of the scenario results by clicking the Download PDF button in the top right, underneath the scenario name