Scenarios allow you to forecast your client's financial future. Each client can have multiple scenarios.

  1. From the client list, click on the link under the Scenarios heading, to the right of your client name

  2. This will take you to a list of all of the scenarios you have created for your client. Click on the Scenario Name to open it

  3. You can now edit your scenario

  4. You can edit your scenario name and current savings at the top (changes here will autosave)
  5. You can add new items to your scenario in the middle 

  6. You can view financials at the bottom. To edit an existing financial, click on the edit icon to the right of the item you wish to change

  7. A pop-up will appear, make your changes and click Save changes

  8. Your item is now updated 

  9. Keep adding and editing expenses and income until you are happy you have covered the key areas you need to

  10. When you've finished adding and editing expenses and income, click on the Results tab at the top