Welcome to Agendali - now you can start having better meetings
Agendali is split into different sections, we call these Modules.
The modules in Agendali are:
- Dashboard
- Meetings
- Agendas
- Actions
- My Profile & Account
- Organisation
- Users
Throughout Agendali, you'll probably notice little question marks scattered about
If you're not sure what a field is for, or what it does, hover over the little question mark and it'll provide you with some help from within the app (if on tablet, press the question mark). At this time, you cannot turn the question marks off so if you don't need them, just ignore them.
If you get really stuck then click the big white question mark in the top right and click on Support.
This will link you to here - our support portal. If you need to get in touch, then you can Raise a Ticket. A ticket is basically an email you send to us on our portal, which will let one of our support team know you need some help. They'll get back to you usually within 24 - 48 hours.
The dashboard is what you see when you first log in. At this time, you can't personalise your dashboard, so we provide a variety of panels we think will be useful for you. This includes panels on actions assigned to you, and your upcoming meetings.
Meetings is where you will find meetings you have created. Meetings must have a date and time - if there is no date/time then it is an Agenda.
You can create new, blank meetings, or create a meeting from an Agenda (see below for more info). You can also create Follow-Up meetings. Follow-Up meetings are great if you are having a meeting about a specific situation or problem, and need to book in another one later - with the same topics - to review the specific situation or problem.
Meetings are broken into Topics and Sub-Topics. You can have multiple Topics, and multiple sub-topics to each topic - there is no limit on how many (except, perhaps, to your sanity!).
Agendas are what we call template meetings. You can have your own agendas, which you share with your organisation. There are also Global Agendas; these are templates we provide to the community as part of your subscription with us, and are free for you to use.
Agendas don't have a date or time - you create a Meeting from an Agenda and it's the Meeting which has the date and time. An example would be, you have an Agenda for your "Sales Team Update" - this has no specific information in it, just the general structure and common topics you always run through. When you want to run a "Sales Team Update" you would create a Meeting from that Agenda.
Like Meetings, Agendas are broken into Topics and Sub-Topics. You can have multiple Topics, and multiple sub-topics to each topic - there is no limit on how many of each. Your topics and sub-topics should be generic though, as they will stay every time you use the agenda for a meeting.
If you have a suggestion for a global agenda you would like to see, please let us know!
Actions are tasks that come out of meetings. If you are an admin in your organisation, you will be able to see everyone's actions - if you aren't, it'll just be the actions assigned to you.
Agendali isn't meant to be a task management system, so the Actions module is just a list of outstanding actions from meetings that have been held. Actions can be edited to add descriptions, owners (who the action is assigned to) start dates, due dates, priority level (low, medium, high) and status (active/planned). It's fairly light-touch though, so don't rely on it too heavily as a task management platform.
My Profile & Account
Your Profile and Account Settings are on different pages, but they're small modules so we've grouped them together for this intro.
Your profile is information about you such as your: name, email, phone number, job title, password, timezone etc.
You can edit and remove this information at any time, though you must have a first and last name, email address, password and timezone as a minimum to be able to have an Agendali account.
Your Account Settings allows you to manage your subscription. Only admins can see this page.
My Organisations
If you are in more than one Organisation in Agendali, you can click My Organisations to switch between the different ones you're a part of. From this page, you can edit and change the organisation name if you have high enough permission level.
Only admins can see, access and use the users page. This is where you can add other users into your organisation. If they are already an Agendali user, your organisation will simply be added to their account. If they aren't in Agendali yet, they will be prompted to sign up for an account.
If you invite a new user to Agendali using the Users section, the person you have added must follow the link in the email invite. Do not ask them to then sign up for an account separately using the sign up page. The link in the email will allow them to create an account.