There are two ways to get into Agendali. You must use only one:
- Be invited by another, existing, user
- Sign up by yourself using the sign up form
If you have been invited to Agendali by another user, do not then use the sign up form.
We have requirements for passwords you set, they must:
- Not contain spaces
- Contain at least one uppercase letter (ABC)
- Contain at least one lowercase letter (abc)
- Contain at least one number (0-9)
- Contain at least one special character (@!#£%&*)
- Be at least 8 characters long
I've been invited by another user
If you are invited to Agendali by an existing user, you will receive an email. Follow these steps:
- Click the link in the email
- This will take you to a page in your browser to set a password for your Agendali account. Complete this and click save
- Go to the sign in page and sign in using the email the invite was sent to, and the password you just set.
If you have been invited to Agendali by an email like this, you must not then go and use the sign up form. Only use the link provided in the email.
I haven't been invited and want a new account
If you want to sign up for a new account for yourself, and won't be invited by an existing user, then follow these steps:
- We are currently in closed beta - that means the app is in early access and you can only get a login if a member of our team approves you and sends you a link to the signup form. If you want to register your interest then please click here or paste this link into your browser:
- If you've been sent the link to sign up to the app, then complete the sign up form and read and agree to our policies of use. Click Get Started
- Keep an eye on your emails. You will receive an email with a link - click this. This can take a few minutes to come through so please allow 5 - 10 minutes for the email to be received
- Clicking the link will open a new window in your browser to activate your account and set your password. Complete the form and click Save
- Go to the sign in page and sign in using the email the activation message was sent to, and the password you just set.
Signing in
Go to to sign in to your account. If you are a member of only one organisation then you will be taken straight to your dashboard. If you've forgotten your password, see our I've forgotten my password guide.
If you are a member of more than one organisation, then you will need to select which one you want to view when you log in. Once you click Login you will be taken to a list of the organisations you are a part of. Select which one you want to view and you will then be redirected to the dashboard for the organisation you selected.
To swap organisations when you are already logged in, click your name in the top right and then My Organisation(s). This will take you back to the list of your organisations, where you can then click the one you want to view.
Signing out
- Click on your name in the top right
- Click Log Out
- A confirmation will appear, click Yes Log Me Out
- You are now signed out