If you have access to a computer/tablet when you go to run your meeting, Agendali can help you to keep it on track and have better meetings. If you want the meeting timer to work, your meeting must have a host.
If you don't have access to a computer/tablet when you go to run your meeting, you can download a PDF of the meeting to take with you. Simply click the Download button on the right when viewing your meeting
If you choose to include a notes area, then the PDF will generate will space for you to jot down notes during your meeting by hand.
Running a meeting using Agendali
- To run a meeting using Agendali, click Meetings in the menu ribbon
- In the list of meetings, find the one you want to run - it will likely be the one at the top of the list, as the list defaults to chronological order by date/time
- Click the Start Meeting icon to the right of the meeting name
- This will take you to a new page which is an overview of your meeting. At the top, it will show you your meeting level purpose and outcome as well as attendees. If you have enabled meeting scoring, you must tick who is attending the meeting in the top left - simply tick the box next to their name. If you don't do this, you won't be able to record their meeting score at the end
- Under the list of meeting topics, click Start the meeting to begin; this will start the meeting timer. Meeting timers help with your estimations of topic durations and can help you keep an eye on where things go off-track or run over
- You'll now be taken to your first topic. You can add decisions, actions and notes into the meeting as you are running it by clicking the + plus icon on the right of what you want to add i.e. action, decision or note. The add a note icon is on the very far right
- To edit or delete a note, action or decision, click on Edit or Delete under the action, note or decision you wish to change
- When you've finished discussing your first topic, click Next in the bottom right to move to the next topic
- Keep running through this process until you've covered all of your topics
- After you have completed your last topic, you'll be taken to the meeting review page. This will show you an overview of all of your topics in the meetings, including decisions, notes and actions you have made. You can edit any notes, decisions or actions directly from the meeting review page if you notice something small, like a typo. If you need to revisit a topic then click the large arrow to the left of the topic title. This will keep the timer running and take you back to that topic
- At the bottom left of the page, you can instantly download a PDF of the meeting minutes to share with attendees by clicking Download Minutes
- Once you're happy your meeting has come to a close, click Next
- If you enabled meeting scoring, you'll now be taken to the scoring page. Each attendee should score the meeting out of ten - simply click the number they score to record it and then click Finish
- If meeting scoring is not enabled, then you'll be taken straight to the Done! page. From here, click Go to Dashboard to return to Agendali
- Well done, you've just run your meeting using Agendali!