We provide a variety of Global Agendas to our userbase with your subscription, but you can also make your own and your colleagues can share theirs within your organisation too.
- To view agendas available to you, click on Agendas in the menu ribbon
- You'll notice that there are three different symbols next to the name of each of the agendas shown:
- A person icon means it's an agenda you have made
- A briefcase icon means it's an agenda someone in your organisation has made
- A globe icon means it's a global agenda
- You can only edit agendas you have made
- To use a Global Agenda, scroll through the agendas list to find the one you want and then click Use. If you click on the agenda name it will give you a quick preview of it. To close the preview either click the X in the top-right of the pop-up, or simply click off the pop-up
Tip: You can use the buttons at the top to filter the agendas list, for example just to show you Global Agendas - Once you have clicked Use it will take you to the meeting edit view. Make sure to change the date/time and click the Save icon on the right
- You can now edit and change the meeting as you need.
Tip: If you like one of our Global Agendas but need it changed slightly to meet your organisation's needs, first create a meeting from the Global Agenda. Then make your changes and save the meeting as an agenda you can re-use later. You can then publish and unpublish this in your organisation. There's a guide on how to create an agenda from a meeting here - You can also load an agenda's topics and subtopics into an existing meeting. To see how to do this, click here for the guide