The follow up meeting is a great way to bring forward topics and sub-topics discussed in a previous meeting to a new one. 

A good example of where you might want to use a follow up meeting is if you met with an unhappy client who raised concerns about the level of service. Your first meeting would be to run through these concerns and address/discuss what you can; your second, follow up meeting, would be to revisit those same topics and determine if there has been any improvement.

Follow up meetings will only carry across topics and sub-topics from a previous meeting to a new meeting. Decisions, notes and actions will not be carried across. You can't make a follow up from an agenda, it must be from a meeting. You'd use a follow up meeting instead of an agenda if it was a meeting you were expecting to run a couple of times, not one you would run regularly. If you are frequently making follow up meetings, think about if it would be better as an agenda you could reuse instead. 

To create a follow up meeting:

  1. Click on Meetings in the menu ribbon

  2. Find your previous meeting and open it - if it was in the past, you'll need to click on the Past Meetings tab to view previous meetings

  3. Once you've opened your previous meeting, in the right-hand side menu click the Follow up button. It looks like this:

  4.  Your follow up meeting will be made instantly and will also save on creation. You will see your meeting title has changed to have "- follow-up" at the end of the name. You can edit this if you need to (if you do, don't forget to press save on the right)

  5. All of your topics and sub-topics from your previous meeting will be carried across, but don't forget that notes, decisions and actions won't be - so you'll need to add these in if you need them