Editing a meeting

To edit an existing meeting:

  1. Click on Meetings in the menu ribbon

  2. Find your meeting in the list. If it was in the past, you will need to click the Past Meetings tab

  3. Click on the meeting name, this will open it in edit view

  4. You can now change your meeting. If you change any of the key meeting information, you will need to make sure to press Save when you have finished editing. Key meeting information are the fields at the top of the page, so:
    1. Title
    2. Meeting level purpose
    3. Meeting level outcome
    4. Start and end date/time
    5. Host - you must have a host for the meeting timer to run
    6. Whether or not meeting scoring is enabled
    7. Meeting level description
    8. Additional details & requirements
    9. Participants

Topics and sub-topics will automatically save when you add/remove them.

To edit topics and their description, outcome, purpose, duration or presenter, click on the edit icon (it looks like a little pen). Click on the delete icon (it looks like a rubbish bin) to remove a topic. To rearrange topics, click and drag on the all scroll icon (it looks like four arrows pointing north, south, east and west).

To edit sub-topics (such as the sub-topic title or description), notes, actions or decisions click on Edit underneath the sub-topic name, note, action or decision. To delete, click on Delete underneath the sub-topic, action, note or description.

You cannot rearrange sub-topics once they have been added. 

Removing a meeting

If you want to delete a meeting:

  1. Click on Meetings in the menu ribbon

  2. Find your meeting in the list. If it was in the past, you will need to click the Past Meetings tab

  3. Click on the Delete button to the right of your meeting's name (it looks like a rubbish bin). A pop-up will appear to confirm deletion, as deletions cannot be undone. Click Delete


    Open your meeting by clicking on the meeting name, and then click the Delete button in the right hand side menu (it is near the Save button, it looks like a rubbish bin).  A pop-up will appear to confirm deletion, as deletions cannot be undone. Click Delete
  4. Your meeting is removed