Agendali has a built-in email function. This means you can send your meeting as an invite with an agenda before holding it and/or send your meeting minutes afterwards.
Emails sent from Agendali (including meeting invites) always come from If, because of this, you don't want to use the email function then you can choose to download your meeting as a PDF and send it out using your own mailing system instead.
Downloading a PDF to send out manually
You can download a PDF of your meeting whenever you need it. This means you can either download the agenda beforehand or minutes after. The PDF will include all of the notes, decisions, actions and topic/subtopic details you make in Agendali.
To download a copy of your meeting:
- Click on Meetings in the menu ribbon
- Find your meeting in the list. If it was in the past, you will need to click the Past Meetings tab
- Click on the meeting name, this will open it in edit view
- On the right hand side, there is a floating menu, click on the Download button
- If you are downloading a copy of your agenda as the meeting has not been held yet, you may wish to tick the Include notes area for printing box. This will add space underneath each topic for you to handwrite notes if you want to. Otherwise, leave this box unticked - you'll likely want to leave it unticked if you are generating the PDF after you have held the meeting and you're trying to get a copy of the meeting minutes
- Click Download
- The PDF will now generate and open in a new tab, you can download or print it as you need
Emailing out an Agenda/Minutes from Agendali
The process for sending out a meeting - whether the agenda or the minutes - is pretty much the same.
- Click on Meetings in the menu ribbon
- Find your meeting in the list. The only difference between sending out minutes or an agenda is here - if your meeting was in the past and you are looking to send out meeting minutes, you will need to click the Past Meetings tab
- On the right hand side, there is a floating menu, click on the Send button
- A popup will appear. Your meeting attendees will be listed at the top of the popup. Select the people you would like to send the invite to - if you need to add someone, you will need to add them to your participants in your meeting and save it first. You can include a small message with the invite in the "additional details" text box
- Once you're happy with your message and who you are sending the meeting to, press Send
- A confirmation popup will show your meeting agenda/minutes have now been sent