You must be an admin to be able to perform these actions within your organisation. You can only edit and remove users within the users table/module in Agendali. 

NOTE: If you would like your user's phone numbers etc. to appear, the user has to add these details themselves within their own profile. There is a guide on that here.

Editing users

  1. Click on your name in the top right
  2. Click Users

  3. If you want to edit a user, click the edit icon next to their name

  4. In the popup, make the changes you need and click update

Deleting users

  1. Click on your name in the top right
  2. Click Users

  3. Click the delete icon to the right of the user you wish to remove

  4. A confirmation popup will appear as deletions cannot be undone. Click Yes

  5. Your user is removed