1. In the menu ribbon click on Strategy and then Position Agreements

    NOTE: You can have many position agreements across your organisation. Everyone with access to the position agreements module can see all position agreements created. If you don't want a user to be able to see them, then an admin will need to set their permissions to Hidden. Click here for a guide on how to do this

  2. Click the Plus + sign in the top right to create a new position agreement

  3. Give your position a title and click Create position

  4. You'll now be taken to the main screen for creating position agreements. To add content to a section, click on the edit icon to the right of the section heading

  5. Add your content in the pop-up word editor and click save

  6. Keep adding your content to your position agreement by clicking the edit button until you are finished. The system will save it for you as you add content

  7. You can download a PDF of your position agreement by clicking the Download button in the top right