The module is split into three parts:

  1. View - this is where you can preview your plan and edit it
  2. Cover page - this is where you can create a cover page for your plan
  3. Download & print - this is where you can download a copy of your plan. You need to create a cover page before you can download or print it

This guide will focus on the downloading and printing your plan - to see how to create a business plan click here, to see how to create a cover page click here.

Please note you must create a cover page first to be able to print and/or download your plan.

  1. In the menu ribbon click Strategy and then Business Plan

  2. Click the download & print icon in the top right

  3. You can change the page setup by clicking Document Options. This will allow you turn configure things such as page numbers (turn them off/on, choose their format etc.), choose your line spacing, page size, customise your confidentiality message and turn your table of contents on/off

  4. To get a copy PDF format so you can print/email/share it click Download as PDF