You can add a graph of a metric to a dashboard, this is called a widget.

You need to create a metric before you can add it to a dashboard and, for the graph to be meaningful, you will need to enter metric data too.

Click here for the guide on creating a metric. 

Click here for the guide on entering metric data.  

You must create a dashboard before you can add anything to it. Click here for the guide on creating a new dashboard. 

  1. In the menu ribbon click Metrics

  2. Click on the Widgets tab (the active tab will be highlighted in green)

  3. Click the plus + sign in the top right

  4. In the pop-up:

    • Give your widget a name - this will be title of the graph on the dashboard
    • You can add more detail into the Description field if you want, this will appear below the widget title on the dashboard
    • Choose the Metric you want the graph to be on from the drop-down
    • Choose the type of graph - a gauge will be a circle with red/amber/green rating to show you how the metric is performing against its target. This cannot be changed once your have saved your widget. If you decide you want to change the type of graph, you will need to create a new widget
    • Note: the graph will be shared with you (the creator) by default. You can't disable this, but you can choose other people to share it with. For full information on how to do this, see the guide on sharing dashboards
    • You must choose the dashboard you want the widget to appear on (Send to Dashboard). If you don't select a dashboard then the widget will not appear anywhere

  5. Click Add Widget

  6. Your metric is now a widget on your dashboard